There are quite a few Debian rolling release distros available, but less common. Most of them are based on Debian unstable and Debian testing, but I've fond them surprisingly stable.
Though certain components like plasma desktop, Gnome 3 are somewhat troublesome.
Undoubtedly Debian and Debian derivatives are most popular GNU/Linux distribution. Though Debian stable versions are rock solid, they all lacks latest softwares in their repository. It's highly appreciated for servers, but a bit tough as a regular desktop OS.
So Just install one these debian rolling release, simply update to latest version and enjoy latest software with Debian goodness.
Debian rolling release distros
Let's explore the different distors one by one, what are the main features and their intended purpose.
1. Siduction
One of the most actively maintained Debian beased rolling release distro, focused to be a desktop OS, based on Debian unstable, currently Sid. Though it's a unstable branch, I've never seen any broken package.
Siduction provides many packages not currently available in the official Debian repository. Pre packaged ISO files are availeble for x86 (32 bit) and x86_64 (64 bit) architecture, with all major desktop environments like KDE, Cinnamon, Gnome, LXQt, XFCE and many.
Official website:
2. SolydXK
It was based on Debian testing, now a Debian stable based rolling release distro, available in two flavors, XFCE based SolydX and KDE based SolydK.
Both SolydX and SolydK are available as ISO files for x86_64 platform, it also provides OS images for Raspberry-Pi 2 with XFCE desktop.
SolydXK team maintains a quarterly package update schedule, almost perfect timing. Every packages are expected to be stable enough for day by day use.
Official website:
3. Linux Mint Debian Edition
Debian based version of popular Linux Mint, it maintains a semi-rolling release model and currently draws packages from Debian stable.
LMDE team timely releases ISO files for 32bit and 64 bit architecture with two desktop environments, Cinnamon and MATE. It also has it's own package repository and maintained actively.
Official website:
4. SparkyLinux

SparkyLinux is Debian testing based rolling release distro from Poland. The good thing is that it's well maintained and with it's own repository. It's slowly gaining popularity among Debian users.
Many types of SparkyLinux ISO files are available for download, from minimal CLI only editions to huge 4GB "GameOver" editions.
Official website:
5. Aptosid
Previously known as Sidux, based on Debian unstable branch with an aim to be 100% compatible with debian sid, while ensuring system stability with some packages and scripts.
New Aptosid ISO files are released rarely, but the package repository is maintained actively. It's available in two ISO files, featuring XFCE and KDE desktop respectively.
Official website:
6. Kali Linux rolling edition
The utmost popular computer security and penetration testing distro, now available as a rolling release too. It's based on Debian testing and no doubt heavily maintained.
Kali Linux needs no further introduction, ISO files are available for x86 and x86_64 architecture featuring a Gnome 3 desktop.
Official Website:
7. Semplice

This one is of Italian origin based on Debian Sid, with their own Openbox based desktop environment, vera .
Simsplice team also maintains their own "unstable" repository for their Current version which is rolling release.
Know more about Simsplice >
8. antiX rolling
Built on Debian testing, runs great on old hardware, aimed to be lightweight, fast and easy to install. Before shifting to Debian testing, it was based on another Debian derivative MEPIS .
antiX ISO files are released frequently, available for both x86 and x86_64 architecture. It maintains a true rolling release cycle and the package repository is also well maintained.
Official website:
9. Parrot OS

An operating system built on top of Debian testing repository, focoused on cyber security and penetration testing.
The downloadable ISO files are available in 3 different flavors. The first of them based on MATE desktop environment, the second based on KDE plasma, and the third one for virtual machines which also runs the MATE desktop.
So, if you're looking for a distro that packs many pre-installed software and enjoy the goodness of Debian rolling release, it's the preferable disto for you.
Here's the official website, Parror OS.
There is a proposal of true Debian rolling release distribution named Debian CUT, but it didn't showed much activity since it's proposal in 2012.It's also possible to use Debian testing as rolling release, until they are frozen to be stable.
This list is pretty comprehensive, if you are using/know about some other actively maintained Debian based rolling release distro, please inform me, I'll add them to this list.
Note: All logos are sole property of their respective owners, used here in good faith.
AptoSid is dead. Last release = 2013
I am a novice in Linux. I already tried to install Manjaro or some analogues (similarities) with Archlinux. Everything are worked, but they were unstable, as I don't know much about Archlinux. Please advise me a distribution, not to be very complex, but, at the same time, a stable rolling release, preferably based on Debian. Thanks!
I'm currently running the Debian Sid, called the unstable.
However never faced any major issue, never ever any broken package.
But it's hard to get running some software, which is not available from the repository.
Try LMDE, very easy to use,
You might wanna try Pop os
Also add Parrot OS
Sure, I'll add it to this list.
In the old days, I used to love Linux Mint Debian edition as it started as a rolling distribution intended to be a more stable than Debian testing. Lamentably, this is no longer the case. Though it's been a year that Debian moved from Jessie to Stretch, LMDE is still on Jessie. That is, not only today LMDE is even more conservative than the already conservative Debian distribution, but it also has buried its original goal.
Yeah, now LMDE is a disappointment.
SolydX is very impressive. Solid, quick, Debian 9. Wonderful!
Thanks for the feedback!
thank you for your time writing this up. Looks like I'll be filling my thumb drives this week.
thanks for this list. Aptosid is "inactive" on distrowatch.
But Aptosid's repository is very much active, confusing !
First line: Welcome to aptosid : Current release: aptosid 2013-01
Forgot Netrunner os based on Debian testing using KDE. It is a great desktop operating system.
I think Deepin is a rolling debian? Not 100% sure on that, but a great distro
Never tried Deepin, I'll give it a test run soon.
Sparky Linux is a very interesting debian based rolling distribution
Thanks Andino, I've already downloaded it, just out of USB drives to give it a try !
Point Linux and Robo Linux are also based on debian stable.
Thanks,,, I've to try Robo Linux
Also forgot to list Sparky Linux based on testing.
Hey,,, thanks for the suggestion, I'm going to test Sparky Linux soon.
Forgot Simplice Linux based on unstable.
Thanks, never heard of this 🙁 surely I'm gonna to check this too.
Kali rolling is based on Debian unstable
First, thanks Adi for your feedback.
I've a little confusion, the official Kali news says that It's based on Debian testing.
Please could you share the reference where it says Kali rolling based on Debian unstable ?
No he can't.